Teaching Children to Communicate with Confidence Course & One-to-One Support


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SKU: CC22-1 Category:

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When you book the 121 support you have the opportunity to go through the workbook and course with Sonal. The sessions are held on Zoom and are usually 1 hour a week on Mondays or Tuesdays. Sonal will work with you providing personal guidance and support throughout as well as answering any questions you have to ensure that you can complete the workbook and the course.

In each session, Sonal will go through what is required, review your work, and also provide hints and tips that will help you going forward with the workbook and course as well as in your life. Sonal will help you build your confidence and personal style to communicate better, get your point across and support your mental health.

Included in this bundle:

  • Storytelling Workbook
  • Communicating with Confidence Online Course
  • 12 hours of one-to-one support

Additional information

One-to-One Coaching

5 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours


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